Pondering the ‘Dyson Slingshot’

Let’s start the week by talking about gravitational assists, where a spacecraft uses a massive body to gain velocity. Voyager at Jupiter is the classic example, because it so richly illustrates the ability to alter course and accelerate without propellant. Michael Minovitch was working on this kind of maneuver at UCLA as far back as the early 1960s, but it was considered even before this, as in a 1925 paper from Friedrich Zander. It took Voyager to put gravity assists into the public consciousness because the idea enabled the exploration of the outer planets.

Can we use this kind of maneuver to help us gain the velocity we need to make an interstellar crossing? Let’s consider how it works: We’re borrowing energy from a massive object when we do a gravity assist. From the perspective of the Voyager team, their spacecraft got something for ‘free’ at Jupiter, in the sense that no additional propellant was needed. What’s really happening is that the spacecraft gained energy at the expense of the planet. Jupiter being what it is, the change in its own status was invisible, but it lent enough energy to Voyager to prove enabling.

According to David Kipping (Columbia University), the maximum speed increase equals twice the velocity of the planet we’re using for the maneuver, and when you look at Jupiter’s orbital speed around the Sun (around 13.1 kilometers per second), you can see that we’re only talking about a fraction of what it would take to get us to interstellar speeds. But the principle is enticing, because traveling with little or no propellant is a longstanding goal, one that drives research into solar sails and their fast cousins, beamed lightsails. And it has been much on Kipping’s mind.

For gravitational assists from planets are only one aspect of the question, there being other kinds of astrophysical objects that can help us out. Depending on their orbital configuration, some of these are moving fast indeed. In the early 1960s, Freeman Dyson went to work on the physics of gravitational assists around binary white dwarf stars — he would ultimately go on to consider the case of neutron star binaries (back when neutron stars were still purely theoretical). Such concepts obviously imply an interstellar civilization capable of reaching the objects in the first place. But once there, the energies to be exploited would be spectacular.

While I want to begin with Dyson’s ideas, I’ll move tomorrow to Kipping’s latest paper, which addresses the question in a novel way. Kipping, well known for his work in the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler project, has been pondering Dyson’s notions but also applying them to what would seem, on the surface of things, to be an entirely different proposition: Beamed propulsion. How he combines the two may surprise you as much as it did me, as we’ll see in coming days.

Image: An artist’s conception of two orbiting white dwarf stars. Credit: Tod Strohmayer (GSFC), CXC, NASA, Illustration: Dana Berry (CXC).

Nature of the Question

If we talk about manipulating astrophysical objects, a natural objection arises: Why should we study things that are impossible for our species today? After all, we can get to Jupiter, but getting to the nearest white dwarf, much less a white dwarf binary, is beyond us.

But big ideas can be productive. Consider Daedalus, conceived in the 1970s as the first serious design for a starship. The idea was to demonstrate that a spacecraft could be designed using known physics that could make a journey to another star. The massive two-stage Daedalus (54,000 tonnes) seems impossible today and doubtless will never be built. Was it worth studying?

The answer is yes, because once you’ve established that something is not impossible, you can go to work on ways to engineer a result that may differ hugely from the original. Breakthrough Starshot is built around the idea of using lasers to propel a different kind of spacecraft, not of 54,000 tonnes but of 1 gram, carried by a small lightsail, and designed to be sent not as a one-off mission but as a series of probes driven by the same laser installation.

Once again we’re stretching our thinking, but here the technologies to do such a thing may (or may not, depending on what Breakthrough Starshot’s analyses come up with) be no more than a few decades away. The current Breakthrough effort is all about finding out what is feasible.

Again we’re designing something before we’re sure we can do it. The challenges are obviously immense. Consider: To go interstellar with cruise times of several decades, we need to ramp up velocity, and that takes enormous amounts of energy. Kipping calculates that 2 trillion joules — the output of a nuclear power plant running continuously for 20 days — would be needed to send the Breakthrough Starshot ‘chip’ payload to Proxima Centauri. And that’s just for one ‘shot’, not for the multiple chips envisioned in what might be considered a ‘swarm’ of probes.

Working with Massive Objects

Are there other ways to generate such energies? Freeman Dyson’s extraordinary white dwarf binary gravitational assist appears in “Gravitational Machines,” a short paper that ran in a book A.G.W. Cameron edited called Interstellar Communication (New York, 1963). Conventional gravity assists aren’t sufficient because to be effective, a gravitational ‘machine’ would have to be built on an astronomical scale. Fortunately, the universe has done that for us. So we should be thinking about the principles involved, and what they imply:

…if our species continues to expand its population and its technology at an exponential rate, there may come a time in the remote future when engineering on an astronomical scale will be both feasible and necessary. Second, if we are searching for signs of technologically advanced life already existing elsewhere in the universe, it is useful to consider what kinds of observable phenomena a really advanced technology might be capable of producing.

Dyson’s considers the question in terms of binary stars, specifically white dwarfs, but goes on to address even denser concentrations of matter in neutron stars. Now we’re talking about a kind of gravitational assist that has serious interstellar potential. A spacecraft could be sent into a neutron star binary system for a close pass around one of the stars, to be ejected from the system at high velocity. If 3,000 kilometers per second appears possible with a white dwarf binary, fully 81,000 kilometers per second could occur — 0.27 c — with a neutron star binary.

Hence the ‘Dyson slingshot.’ (As an aside, I’ve always wondered what it must be like to have a name so famous in your field that everything from ‘Dyson spheres’ to ‘Dyson dots’ are named after you. The range of Dyson’s thinking on these matters certainly justifies the practice!).

The slingshot isn’t particularly effective with stars of solar class, where what you gain from a gravitational assist is still outweighed by the possibility of using stellar photons for propulsion. But as Dyson shows, once you get into white dwarf range and then extend the idea down to neutron stars, you’re ramping up the gravitational energy available to the spacecraft while at the same time reducing stellar luminosity. An advanced civilization, in ways Dyson explores, might tighten the orbital distance until the binary’s orbital period reached a scant 100 seconds.

Now a gravity assist has serious punch. In other words, there is the potential here for a civilization to manipulate astrophysical objects to achieve a kind of galactic network, where binary neutron stars offer transportation hubs for propelling spacecraft to relativistic speeds. As you would imagine, this plays to Dyson’s longstanding interest in searching for technological artifacts, and we’ll be talking about that possibility as we get into David Kipping’s new paper.

For Kipping will take Dyson several steps further, by looking not at neutron stars but black hole binaries and coming up with an entirely novel way of exploiting their energies, one in which a beam of light, rather than the spacecraft itself, gets the gravitational assist and passes those energies back to the vehicle. Kipping calls his idea the ‘Halo Drive,’ and we’ll begin our discussion of it, and a novel insight that inspired it, tomorrow.

The Dyson paper is “Gravitational Machines,” in A.G.W. Cameron, ed., Interstellar Communication, New York: Benjamin Press, 1963, Chapter 12. The Kipping paper is “The Halo Drive: Fuel-free Relativistic Propulsion of Large Masses via Recycled Boomerang Photons,” accepted at the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (preprint). For those who want to get a head start, Dr. Kipping has also prepared a video on the Halo Drive that is available here.


Evidence of Passing Stars

The sheer range of possible outcomes in a planetary system is something we’re beginning to appreciate with each new exoplanet. Not long ago we looked at a possible collision between two large worlds in the young system Kepler 107, and the knowledge of how violent an evolving system can be informs our thinking about the formation of our own Moon and other Solar System phenomena. Now we’re learning to look for signs of another kind of early cataclysm, the migration of a planet caused by the close passage of one or more nearby stars.

None of this should be surprising when we think about the outer system today. We have a vast cloud made up of trillions of comets encircling a more disk-like belt of debris in the Kuiper Belt, and a host of small objects moving on orbits that challenge our theories of how they formed. Indeed, the orbits of ‘scattered disk’ objects influenced by Neptune and, even more intriguing, unusual trans-Neptunian objects like Sedna may implicate a yet undiscovered planet 9.

Some of what we are seeing may well be the result of a star passing near the Sun, and we know, for example, that the binary system known as Scholz’s star (WISE 0720?0846) passed through the Oort Cloud some 70,000 years ago. Close passes much earlier in the evolution of our protoplanetary disk could obviously have played a role in disrupting existing orbits.

An F-class star in the constellation Crux about 300 light years from Earth, HD 106906 may hold promising information about just such an event in another stellar system. The star is orbited by a directly imaged planet in a misaligned orbit that has been under investigation by UC-Berkeley’s Paul Kalas, working with Robert De Rosa (Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology). With a mass of about 11 Jupiters, the planet is tilted 21 degrees from the plane of the circumstellar disk. It’s also a whopping 738 AU out, 18 times farther from its star than Pluto from the Sun. That brings into doubt its in situ formation.

Image: Two binary stars, now far apart, skated by one another 2-3 million years ago, leaving a smoking gun: a disordered planetary system (left). Credit: UC-Berkeley. Credit: Paul Kalas.

A closer look using the Gemini Planet Imager and the Hubble Space Telescope produced the finding that this star is orbited by a belt of comets in an equally lopsided orbit. The signs of disruption were clear, and Kalas and De Rosa trace out a tortured history for this unusual world. Through gravitational instability induced by too close a passage to the central binary star (a finding discussed by Grenoble Observatory researchers led by Laetitia Rodet in 2017), the planet would have gone interstellar but for the close passage of a pair of passing stars. Their gravitational influence left it in the remote outer regions of its system on an eccentric orbit.

Image: Simulation of a binary star flyby of a young planetary system. UC Berkeley and Stanford astronomers suspect that such a flyby altered the orbit of a planet (in blue) around the star HD 106906 so that it remained bound to the system in an oblique orbit similar to that of a proposed Planet Nine attached to our own solar system. Animation credit: Paul Kalas.

Kalas and De Rosa used data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission to firm up this hypothesis. The scientists collected information on 461 stars from Gaia DR2 astrometry, all of them in the stellar grouping known as the Scorpius–Centaurus (Sco–Cen) association. Incorporating ground-based radial velocity work as well, the team calculated the positions of these stars backward in time, revealing the binary stars — HIP 59716 and HIP 59721 — as candidates for the stars that altered the young system some 3 million years ago.

“What we have done here is actually find the stars that could have given HD 106906 b the extra gravitational kick, a second kick so that it became long-lived, just like a hypothetical Planet Nine would be in our solar system,” Kalas said.

“Studying the HD 106906 planetary system is like going back in time to watch the Oort cloud of comets forming around our young sun. Our own giant planets gravitationally kicked countless comets outward to large distances. Many were ejected completely, becoming interstellar objects like ?Oumuamua, but others were influenced by passing stars. That second kick by a stellar flyby can detach a comet’s orbit from any further encounters with the planets, saving it from the prospect of ejection. This chain of events preserved the most primitive solar system material in a deep freeze far from the sun for billions of years.”

Image: Some 2 to 3 million years ago, in a young, newly formed planetary system, a planet was in danger of being kicked out of the system because of gravitational interactions with the central, binary star (left panel). A close pass by another binary star (not shown) within the same cluster gave the planet an extra kick that stabilized the orbit and rescued it from certain ejection (right panel). Credit: Paul Kalas.

The binary pair came into the system disk of HD 106906 on a trajectory that was within 5 degrees of the system disk, maximizing the extent of the encounter. From the paper:

HIP 59716 and HIP 59721 are the best candidates of the currently known members of Sco–Cen for a dynamically important close encounter with HD 106906 within the last 15 Myr. The flyby of these two stars fulfill many of the criteria for the stabilization scenario described in Rodet et al. (2017). Their trajectories are almost coplanar with the debris disk in its current orientation, their velocities relative to HD 106906 at closest approach are low (the change in velocity of the orbiting planet being inversely proportional to the relative velocity of the passing star at closest approach), and the distribution of closest approach distances for HIP 59716 is consistent with a dynamically significant encounter within 0.5 pc.

Continuing work on this system will investigate the relative radial velocities of the stars involved, which will mean future spectroscopic studies of the two candidate perturbers. The authors point out that the astrometry for each star will be improved with upcoming Gaia data releases. “We started with 461 suspects and discovered two that were at the scene of the crime,” says Kalas. “Their exact role will be revealed as we gather more evidence.”

The paper is De Rosa & Kalas, “A Near-coplanar Stellar Flyby of the Planet Host Star HD 106906,” accepted for publication at the Astronomical Journal (abstract).
