You wouldn’t think life on a planet being bombarded by debris in the early days of its solar system would have much chance for survival. Indeed, the prospect of being pummeled for millions of years in the Late Heavy Bombardment has led to scenarios in which life started, was extinguished, and re-started on this planet, the idea being that the massive cratering we see on objects like the moon was also being enacted here. But maybe we can make a virtue of necessity and consider what all those incoming objects might have done long-term to improve the atmospheres of the planets they landed on.

So goes the thinking in a new study that examines the composition of ancient meteorites to see what they would do when heated to temperatures like those caused by a fiery descent to Earth. Using a method called pyrolysis-FTIR, in which the meteorite fragments were quickly heated (at a remarkable 20,000 degrees Celsius per second), the team measured the carbon dioxide and water vapor released. It turns out that the average meteorite would release twelve percent of its mass as water vapor, and another six percent as carbon dioxide after entering the atmosphere.

That doesn’t add up to much from any single meteorite, but the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) some four billion years ago wasn’t an average time. The research team used models of meteoritic impact rates during the bombardment to calculate that billions of tons of carbon dioxide and water vapor would have been delivered to Earth’s atmosphere each year over the entire twenty million years that spanned the LHB. The same phenomenon would have occurred on Mars, making both planets warmer and wetter, at least for a time. Mark Sephton (Imperial College, London) and a co-author of the recent paper on this work, comments:

“For a long time, scientists have been trying to understand why Earth is so water rich compared to other planets in our solar system. The LHB may provide a clue. This may have been a pivotal moment in our early history where Earth’s gaseous envelope finally had enough of the right ingredients to nurture life on our planet.”

To be sure, the delivery of water from the outer system to the Earth has been a major issue in studying how planets form and evolve. What this work does is to put some numbers on the delivery of water and carbon dioxide by meteorites. And the comparison between Mars and our own world shows how different the outcomes could be, with Mars’ lack of a magnetic field contributing to the loss of its atmosphere (no protection from the solar wind). One world’s oceans dry up or turn to ice, while another’s become the staging area for complex life. We now speculate on which outcome is more common as we wait for further news from Kepler and CoRoT.

The paper is Court and Sephton, “Meteorite ablation products and their contribution to the atmospheres of terrestrial planets: An experimental study using pyrolysis-FTIR,” Geochemica et Cosmochima Acta Vol. 73, Issue 11 (1 June 2009), pp. 3512-3521 (abstract). More in this Imperial College London news release.