Why some planets are the size they are remains something of a mystery. I’m looking at the discovery paper for a planet called WASP-17b, which is said to be twice Jupiter’s size but only half its mass. That raises questions about the mechanisms at work, for you can’t explain the bloated nature of this world with the models of planetary evolution we’re now working with without factoring in massive tidal effects.


In one sense, WASP-17b is completely anomalous. In addition to its size, it orbits its star in retrograde fashion, opposite the direction of the star’s spin. But in other important respects, the new planet joins the ranks of other bloated worlds like HD209458b (the first such world to be discovered), and a flock of other huge planets that includes TrES-4, WASP-12b, XO-3b and HAT-P-1b. TrES-4 shows a density about fifteen percent that of Jupiter, with a radius 1.78 times larger than Jupiter’s.

Image: Orbiting close to its parent star, WASP-17b may look something like this, a huge world bloated by the tidal forces produced by its highly unusual orbit. Credit: NASA/Hubble.

But WASP-17b now seems to take the prize in terms of size. Its primary, about 1000 light years away, is an F6 star in Scorpio, which it transits every 3.7 days. So bloated is this object that Coel Hellier (Keele University, UK) says it is “…only as dense as expanded polystyrene, seventy times less dense than the planet we’re standing on.” That makes it the least dense planet known, and tidal effects seem to be the only way to account for the fact. From the paper (internal references deleted for brevity):

It has been proposed… that tidal dissipation associated with the circularisation of an eccentric orbit is able to substantially inflate the radius of a short-orbit, giant planet. If a planet is in a close (a < 0.2 AU), highly eccentric (e > 0.2) orbit then planetary tidal dissipation will be significant and will shorten and circularise the orbit. Orbital energy is deposited within the planet interior, leading to an inflated planet radius. This process is accelerated by higher atmospheric opacities: as the planet better retains heat, shrinking of the radius is retarded, and a larger radius causes greater tidal dissipation.

This planet’s tidal effects — compression and stretching — must be remarkably powerful. The evidence that WASP-17b is in a retrograde orbit is strong, and the authors note that the angular momenta of star and protoplanetary disk (and thus the planets that emerge from that disk) all derive from the same parent molecular cloud. By all rights, this planet should be orbiting in the same direction as its star.

The theory, then, is that WASP 17-b started out in a prograde orbit and migrated to its current separation of 0.05 AU, being flung in the process into its unusual orbital arrangement. A disruptive brush with another planet or star is about the only thing that could explain the result. The authors note that radial velocity measurements could look for planets further out in this system that might have been involved in this early event, but it is possible that such worlds were ejected from the system in the process. WASP-17b may be the only giant planet remaining.

The paper is Anderson et al., “WASP-17b: an ultra-low density planet in a probable retrograde orbit,” submitted to the Astrophysical Journal and available as a preprint.
