Can living microbes travel between the planets, blown off one by a colossal asteroid impact, for example, and carried in debris to another? Some have suggested that life on Earth originated on Mars in just this way, but interesting work by electrical engineer Tom Dehel now offers an alternative. Dehel, who is also working on a law degree at Rutgers, was studying the Earth’s electromagnetic fields and their impact on GPS satellite systems for the FAA when he realized that bacteria could be ejected from Earth by the kind of fields that create auroras.

The work, presented at a meeting of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) in Beijing, was the subject of a recent New Scientist story by David Chandler. And it’s intriguing because whereas asteroid impacts of the needed size were relatively rare even in the early Solar System, the electromagnetic fields in question are common.

Dehel sees the possibility of bacteria floating in the upper atmosphere and reproducing there, evolving ways to cope with near vacuum conditions and strong UV. He also discusses what he calls ‘magnetospheric plasmoids’ made up of plasma and magnetic fields that could accelerate microbes to great velocities as they break free of Earth’s magnetosphere.

From the abstract to Dehel’s presentation “Uplift and Outflow of Bacterial Spores via Electric Field”:

Here we show the possibility that the forces of uplift on a charged bacteria particle are sufficient bring at least some lighter types of bacteria high into the ionosphere, and subsequently move the charged spore onto magnetic field lines. The bacteria spore is then driven down the magnetotail, where, during a solar storm, a structure known as a plasmoid is propelled radially outward into space at velocities exceeding solar system escape velocity. From that point, the plasmoids are capable of reaching Mars, the outer planets, and even others systems, eventually depositing the bacterial spores either via comets or direct interaction with the receiving planet.

Thus we construct another possible mechanism for moving life between worlds. If these notions prove robust, the expectation of finding life elsewhere in the Solar System receives a boost, but notice that Dehel is talking about bacterial transfers occurring not just between planets in the same system but between stars. Thanks to Luke Schubert for the link to this story, which reminds this writer that theories long discarded sometimes surface with renewed vigor. Panspermia in various forms is a case in point, one that raises the question of just how unfamiliar extraterrestrial life may be.