The early Earth presents us with a conundrum. 3.75 billion years ago, the Sun is thought to have been 25 percent fainter than it is today. Yet liquid water existed on Earth’s surface instead of the ice we would expect. How? The answer may be carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a conclusion drawn from work on ancient rocks in northern Quebec. Says Stephen Mojzsis (University of Colorado at Boulder), “We now have direct evidence that Earth’s atmosphere was loaded with CO2 early in its history, which probably kept the planet from freezing and going the way of Mars.”

The rocks studied by Mojzsis and team show the presence of iron carbonates that are thought to have precipitated from oceans of that distant era. And they could only have formed in an atmosphere that contained CO2 levels far higher than we see today. Thus we witness carbon dioxide’s role as a climatic thermostat, raising Earth’s temperatures by holding in the weaker heat provided by the Sun.

The area of Hudson’s Bay under investigation is one of grassland, marshes and lakes. But Mojzsis believes it once offered a different prospect, with dense atmospheric CO2 giving the sky a reddish tinge and ocean water rich in iron lapping onto the beaches. The rocks under investigation are thought to be among the oldest ever found on Earth, roughly the same 3.75 billion years of age as rocks found in western Greenland. Other ancient outcroppings are thought to be nearby, holding out the promise of future insights into Earth’s early climate.

And if that seems a long way from interstellar space, be aware that examining how the conditions for life appeared on Earth is a major thrust in the study of astrobiology. It will help us identify planets where life is likely to develop, and also help us understand the remarkable ways life finds to emerge, adapt and survive under conditions that might otherwise seem hostile. It’s no surprise, then, that NASA’s Astrobiology Institute and Exobiology Program continue to fund this work.

The paper is Dauphas et al., “Identification of chemical sedimentary protoliths using iron isotopes in the > 3750 Ma Nuvvuagittuq supracrustal belt, Canada,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 254, Issues 3-4 (28 February 2007), pp. 358-376, with abstract online.