Passed along by Greg Laughlin (UC-Santa Cruz), this call for papers:

The ExoPlanet Task Force (ExoPTF), an Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee (AAAC) subcommittee formed at the request of NSF and NASA, announces a call for white papers to inform their assessment of techniques and approaches for extra-solar planet detection and characterization, using both space- and ground-based facilities. The ExoPTF has been asked to recommend a 15-year strategy to detect and characterize exoplanets and planetary systems, and their formation and evolution, including specifically the identification of nearby candidate Earth-like planets and study of their habitability. White papers may describe studies, measurements with existing facilities, new instruments, new facilities or missions, considerations from theoretical modeling, or other recommendations or information that can support the Task Force in its work as laid out in the charge.

Submission instructions and other information can be found here. Note the interest in nearby Earth-like planets and their habitability. These are worlds which will will become identifiable within the coming decade, leading Centauri Dreams to consider yet again what a grand time this is to be alive and engaged in science.