A supercomputing cluster operated by a team at Northwestern University is giving us fresh simulations of the birth of planetary systems, with results that may dismay terrestrial planet hunters. For if this work is correct, the ‘rare Earth’ hypothesis is back, this time bolstered by computer models that are the first to simulate the formation of planetary systems all the way from earliest dust disk to full-fledged solar system.

More than a hundred simulations using exoplanet data collected over the last fifteen years went into the modeling of dust, gases and the effects of gravity. Planetary systems do seem to have a few things in common, among them a violent birth. The Northwestern team found that the dynamics of the early gas disk push nascent planets inexorably toward their central star. There they may be consumed in the star or subjected to collisions with other objects as each accumulates mass. Dynamical resonances can occur that produce increasing orbital eccentricity, with planets occasionally flung into deep space. The young system emerges out of this flux and bears the inevitable stamp of these interactions.

Frederic A. Rasio, senior author of the paper on this work, notes that the violent history of early planetary growth makes producing a relatively sedate solar system like ours problematic. A massive gas/dust disk tends to give rise to ‘hot Jupiters’ and highly eccentric orbits. A low-mass disk produces ice-giant planets no larger than Neptune. Is it possible that our mix of small, rocky worlds, ice giants and gas giants in circular outer orbits really is an exception in the galaxy? Says Rasio:

“We now better understand the process of planet formation and can explain the properties of the strange exoplanets we’ve observed. We also know that the solar system is special and understand at some level what makes it special. The solar system had to be born under just the right conditions to become this quiet place we see. The vast majority of other planetary systems didn’t have these special properties at birth and became something very different.”

A rare Earth is, of course, another way to answer the Fermi ‘where are they’ question. They’re not here because they don’t exist, or at least, not in appreciable numbers, and the reason for that is that planets capable of producing intelligent life hardly ever form. It’s a depressing thought for those of us excited by the prospect of future contact, but one that should be placed in a certain perspective. For while it is true that other planetary systems we’ve found tend to look much different than ours, it’s also true that we don’t yet know as much as we need to know about these systems. We do not, for example, know how many other planets we have yet to find in them, or how many of these may be potentially habitable.

Future space-based missions should help us sort that out. Until then, my view is that these powerful simulations do exactly what good science is supposed to do — they work with the best available data and draw conclusions that will be subject to further observation and refinement. Just as the sheer number of ‘hot Jupiters’ came as a surprise to most astronomers, so may the presence of terrestrial worlds in hot Jupiter systems, or their possible existence around close binaries like Centauri A and B, force us to look anew at our formation theories. We’ll see how this latest take on the ‘rare Earth’ hypothesis develops as our data increase and we have closer looks at systems we are only beginning to characterize.

The paper is Thommes et al., “Gas Disks to Gas Giants: Simulating the Birth of Planetary Systems,” Science Vol. 321, No. 5890 (8 August 2008), pp. 814-817 (available online).