What kind of stars are most likely to have planets? Narrowing the search is crucial if the goal is to build a target list for space-based missions, especially when we’re looking for terrestrial worlds. So learning that planet-bearing stars have higher metal contents — the elements above hydrogen and helium, presumably as a relic of their protoplanetary disks — would winnow the target list nicely, at least among Sun-type stars.

And most of the extrasolar planets found thus far have been in orbit around stars of the spectral types F, G and K (our Sun is a G-class star). For various reasons, these are the usual targets for radial-velocity surveys, and they’re also stars that can be readily analyzed for metallicity. But M dwarfs are the most common stellar type. We need to go to work on their parameters too, especially in the case of dwarfs that have known planetary companions.

A stride in that direction is taken by Jacob Bean (University of Texas), Fritz Benedict and Michael Endl (McDonald Observatory, UT) in a new paper that analyzes the metallicities of three planet-bearing M dwarfs. Only one of these, GJ 876, is known to have Jupiter-mass planets around it; it’s also the only M dwarf with more than one known planet. GJ 436 and GJ 581 appear to have Neptune-mass planets in close orbits.

The scarcity of high-mass planets around M dwarfs suggests that smaller stars are less likely to harbor them, which is consistent with the core accretion model of planet formation. In that model, gas giants build up rocky cores through collisions in the protoplanetary disks around young stars, reaching a critical mass beyond which gas from the disk rapidly accumulates.

As to metallicity, the three dwarfs studied all have metallicities lower than our Sun’s, a result that defies the planet/metallicity link in higher-mass stars. From the paper:

This result raises some interesting questions. Are the metallicities for these stars representative of the metallicities of the M dwarfs on planet search programs and might that explain the lower detection rates of planets for the M dwarfs? If that were the case, are the solar neighborhood M dwarfs in general metal deficient relative to the other spectral type? Or, what is causing the selection effect to lower metallicity M dwarfs for the planet search programs?

By way of answering these questions, the researchers plan to apply their analysis to a larger sample of M dwarfs that may show clearer trends in mass and metallicity. The question is important, for the link between planets and high metallicity seems clear in the larger F, G and K stars. Why and how do these planet-bearing M dwarfs depart from the trend?

The paper is Bean, Benedict and Endl, “Metallicities of M Dwarf Planet Hosts from Spectral Synthesis,” accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters and available as a preprint online.