A Planet in the Asteroid Belt?

Was there ever a fifth rocky, terrestrial planet in our Solar System? If so, it was located beyond the orbit of Mars in what is now the asteroid belt. John Chambers (Carnegie Institute of Washington) likes to call the hypothetical world 'Artemis,' and at the 2006 Astrobiology Science Conference in Washington DC this March, he described how the planet might have formed. The trick, of course, is to account for the orbits of the giant planets, which some believe underwent a shift from almost circular to more highly eccentric (elliptical) orbits. If you set up a simulation with Jupiter in a circular orbit, terrestrial worlds form out to about 2.2 AU. From an abstract of Chambers' presentation: Artemis could have formed in a region that was stable before the giant planets' shift, but unstable thereafter, probably between 1.8-2.2 AU. We simulate the giant planets' orbital shift to explore Artemis' demise, varying Artemis' mass and starting location. In each simulation, the giant planets'...

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Spectacular Movies of Titan Landing Released

Centauri Dreams has great pleasure in recommending new movie views of the landing of the Huygens probe on Titan, released yesterday by NASA, the European Space Agency and the University of Arizona. The first sequence, titled "View from Huygens on Jan. 14, 2005" offers a spectacular four-minute ride that compresses what would have been seen by the probe during its 2.5 hour descent, using data gathered by the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer instrument aboard Huygens. Image: DISR view south at 5 miles above the landing site on Titan, Jan. 14, 2005. (Credits: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona). "At first, the Huygens camera just saw fog over the distant surface," said Erich Karkoschka, team member at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and creator of the movies. "The fog started to clear only at about 60 kilometers [37 miles] altitude, making it possible to resolve surface features as large as 100 meters [328 feet]," he said. "But only after landing could the probe's camera resolve...

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Two Ways to Build a Gas Giant

How planets form is not an issue that will be settled any time soon, but two models have emerged that continue to energize research. We saw yesterday in a review of Alan Boss' new paper that gravitational instability is one way to create a gas giant. But I spent most of yesterday's post talking about UV radiation and its effects on the atmospheres of planets around M stars, a key part of Boss' explanation of so-called 'super-Earths' in these environments. So let's back up and talk about gravitational instability itself. As early as 1997, the astrophysicist had proposed that planet-sized clumps could form relatively quickly due to instabilities in the disk of dust and gas surrounding a young star. Boss believed these clumps could be massive enough to form a gas envelope, but the model was hard to use in any predictive sense and demanded more intensive computer simulations than were then available. Later work by Thomas Quinn, however, bears Boss out. Quinn (University of Washington)...

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Planetary Formation Around Red Dwarfs

What we know about the planets circling M-class dwarf stars is changing rapidly. Recent microlensing surveys have revealed the existence of two 'super-Earths' -- rocky worlds 5.5 and 13 times as massive as the Earth -- around distant red dwarfs. Microlensing has also produced two gas giants around such stars. And radial velocity surveys have found systems like Gl 876, an M-class star orbited by an outer pair of gas giants and an inner super-Earth. Other radial velocity catches are Gl 436 and Gl 581, each accompanied by a super-Earth in a short-period orbit. A curious fact emerging from these studies is that the frequency of gas giants around M dwarfs seems to be lower than around F, G and K-type stars. In a new paper, Alan Boss (Carnegie Institute of Washington) discusses the formation of these planetary types, arguing that disk instability rather than core accretion may be the cause of their formation. An additional, and in his view critical, factor: the loss of planetary gas...

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A Supermassive Black Hole Pairing

How do you get two supermassive black holes in each other's neighborhood? That's the question raised by the discovery of a pair of such objects, each 150 million times more massive than the Sun, and separated by a cosmically minute 24 light years. They're in the center of a galaxy called 0402+379, some 750 million light years from Earth, and they orbit each other every 150,000 years. "Astronomers have thought for a long time that close pairs of black holes should result from galaxy collisions," says Cristina Rodriguez (University of New Mexico and Simon Bolivar University in Venezuela). And that's apparently what happened here. Astronomers working with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio telescope think that these black holes were each at the core of separate galaxies. A collision between the galaxies would then have left the two objects orbiting each other. It would be intriguing indeed if the black holes themselves would collide, as the event should cause strong gravitational...

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Publishing’s Mutating Tools

It's fascinating to watch as new publishing models unfold using digital tools. Coverage is uneven at present, but the day will come when the average conference makes its proceedings available in audio and video format on the Web, with the once essential printed volume now playing a supporting but still vital role in libraries and on the shelves of researchers. On the journalism side, the growth of weblogs and self-publishing tools makes possible the coverage of stories from a wider variety of perspectives than ever before. We're a long way from the demise of printed books, but electronic publishing is beginning to offer new options for authors as well. One harbinger is the arrival of an new e-book called Kosmos: You Are Here, billed as "a look at science, life, evolution, cosmology and other fundamental concepts," and written by a community of online volunteers with proceeds going to support the YearlyKos political conference this June. Cosmology, geology, evolution and climate...

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In Centauri Dreams, Paul Gilster looks at peer-reviewed research on deep space exploration, with an eye toward interstellar possibilities. For many years this site coordinated its efforts with the Tau Zero Foundation. It now serves as an independent forum for deep space news and ideas. In the logo above, the leftmost star is Alpha Centauri, a triple system closer than any other star, and a primary target for early interstellar probes. To its right is Beta Centauri (not a part of the Alpha Centauri system), with Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Crucis, stars in the Southern Cross, visible at the far right (image courtesy of Marco Lorenzi).

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