A testable prediction about dark energy? Such is the promise of a new formulation from Sourish Dutta and Robert Scherrer (Vanderbilt University), whose dark energy model interacts with normal matter and has observable results, including a prediction about the expansion rate of the universe. Astronomical surveys in the next decade should be able to detect the slowdown in the expansion rate predicted by this model, if it exists.

Think ‘quintessence,’ a new field with the unique property that it can act like antigravity, forcing nearby objects to move away from each other rather than pulling them together. The quintessence field as developed by Dutta and Scherer likely went through a phase transition somewhere around 2.2 billion years after the Big Bang.

‘Freezing out’ as the universe cooled creates a scenario where the energy density of the field remained high until, with the phase transition, it dropped abruptly to a level it retains to this day. Another result: The release of some of the dark energy in the form of ‘dark radiation,’ undetectable by our instruments but observable through changes to the universe’s expansion. Those precise changes are what can be tested.

And how about this, from an online story about this work from Vanderbilt. Noting the possibility of detecting the dark radiation signature in the expansion rate, the article adds:

At the same time, new particle accelerators, like the Large Hadron Collider nearing operation in Switzerland, can produce energies theoretically large enough to excite the quintessence field and these excitations could appear as new exotic particles, the researchers say.

It’s fascinating to think that we may soon have the ability to detect particles produced by the dark energy field through existing instrumentation. Will implications for propulsion eventually crystallize out of this highly theoretical work? The paper is Dutta, Hsu et al., “Dark radiation as a signature of dark energy,” Physical Review D Vol. 79, 103504 (2009). Abstract online.