Finding Planets in the Starshine

Finding planets around other stars is hampered by a key fact: the light from the primary star effectively masks the far dimmer reflected light from any planets. But NASA engineers at the Keck Observatory (Mauna Kea, HI) have used the Keck Interferometer in conjunction with a light-blocking device to suppress the starlight around three stars, one of which is Vega. The procedure may be used to detect dust disks of planetary systems in formation. "We have proven that the Keck Interferometer can block light from nearby stars, which will allow us to survey the amount of dust around them," said Dr. James Fanson, project manager for the Keck Interferometer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Keck's interferometer links its two 10-meter telescopes to provide the resolving power of a much larger instrument (in Keck's case, one the size of a football field). Examining dust disks in greater and greater detail is crucial, because NASA needs to select targets for its Terrestrial Planet Finder...

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Saving the Dark Matter

Are elliptical galaxies influenced by a halo of dark matter? The theory has been accepted until recently through observation of the gravitational effects apparently caused by such matter. But 2003 findings (Romanowsky et al., Science 301, pp. 1696-1698) turned up little evidence for dark matter in such galaxies. Now a different explanation for those observations has surfaced, one that seems to rescue the dark matter concept. That's good news, because dark matter ought to be there. From a University of California at Santa Cruz press release: "A dearth of dark matter in elliptical galaxies is especially puzzling in the context of the standard theory of galaxy formation, which assumes that ellipticals originate from mergers of disk galaxies," added Avishai Dekel, professor of physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and first author of the Nature paper. "Massive dark matter halos are clearly detected in disk galaxies, so where did they disappear to during the mergers?" The dark...

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New Horizons Arrives in Florida

The New Horizons spacecraft, slated for a January launch and a decade-long journey to Pluto and Charon, has arrived at Kennedy Space Center for final preparations and testing. This follows a four-month series of tests at Goddard Space Flight Center and the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, where the craft was designed and built. What's in the immediate future for New Horizons? The October testing period includes readiness checks, tests of instrument functionality and checks on communications via NASA's Deep Space Network. Hydrazine fuel for attitude control and course correction maneuvers will be loaded in November, and the craft will then undergo a final spin-balance test. A launch countdown rehearsal will be held in November, and in December the spacecraft will be loaded onto the Atlas V rocket that will carry it aloft. Launch is now scheduled for January 11, 2006, with later launch windows available daily between January 12 and February 14.

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Orbits, Atoms and the Genesis Mission

Celestial mechanics seems a long way from atomic physics, but new work by scientists and engineers suggests some remarkable parallels. In fact, the mathematics describing both have provided new designs for space missions, as witness the Genesis spacecraft, which returned particles from the solar wind to Earth. Genesis' highly unstable orbit was controlled by the L1 Lagrange equilibrium point, a point between Earth and the Sun where the gravity of both bodies is balanced. The orbit is an example of a chaotic trajectory identical to those traversed on the atomic level by highly excited electrons. Image: The extraordinary orbit of the Genesis spacecraft, a lesson in controlling chaos. Credit: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The linkage between orbits and atoms is discussed in an article running in an article called "Ground Control to Niels Bohr: Exploring Outer Space with Atomic Physics," running in the October 2005 issue of Notices of the American Mathematical Society. The article is also...

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On Don Quijote, ESA’s Asteroid Deflection Mission

There aren't many natural disasters we know how to prevent, as the recent sad events along the Gulf of Mexico demonstrate. But one thing we can manage with today's technology is to deflect an incoming asteroid so that it doesn't destroy a large chunk of the Earth. At least, we think we can manage it, but it will take technology testing like the European Space Agency's Don Quijote mission to see whether asteroid deflection really is within our capabilities. Don Quijote is envisioned by ESA's Advanced Concepts Team as a two-part mission. One spacecraft, named Hidalgo, is to strike the asteroid; the other, named Sancho, is to orbit the asteroid months before Hidalgo's advent, observing it before and after impact. ESA has now selected two target asteroids for this mission, designated 2002 AT4 and 1989 ML. Design options for the twin spacecraft are now under active consideration. Image: An artist's impression of an asteroid striking the Earth. Credit: ESA. But wait -- isn't deflecting...

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Possible Life Strategies on Titan

Centauri Dreams recently looked at Titan as a possible abode for life, energized by a paper given at the Division of Planetary Sciences meeting by David Grinspoon. A researcher at the Southwest Research Institute (Boulder, CO), Grinspoon is also an author whose book Lonely Planets: The Natural Philosophy of Alien Life (New York: Harper, 2004) discusses in depth and style the issue of extraterrestrial life and where we might find it. His Web site offers numerous links to his scientific output and materials from his book. Grinspoon has been all over the news lately, as witness this interview in the online journal Astrobiology Magazine. Recently, he was kind enough to forward a copy of his DPS paper "Biologically Enhanced Energy and Carbon Cycling on Titan?" Centauri Dreams reads a lot of research papers, but Grinspoon's work stands out not only for its rigor but its sheer energy. He speculates, for example, that our model of miniaturized cellular life in water on Earth may be...

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Of Cosmology and MP3

Does quantum mechanics determine what we see in the large-scale structure of the universe today? Centauri Dreams admits to finding the notion nonsensical until reading Brian Greene's fine Fabric of the Cosmos (New York: Knopf, 2004), which explained the connection between the very small and what may exist on the macroscopic scale through the mechanism of cosmic inflation. In any case, it's a fascinating thought that we may one day understand the earliest moments of the universe by applying quantum principles that might be observable in the large scale structures of the cosmos. Physicist Raja Guhathakurta (University of California) has a go at issues like these in a presentation called "The Milky Way, Schrodinger's Cat and You," which was delivered as the September Keck Astronomy lecture. It's a sign of the riches available through the digital world that we can now download Dr. Guhathakurta's lecture through the kind offices of W. M. Keck Observatory in Mauna Kea (HI). Click here for...

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New Detection Method Could Find Terrestrial Worlds

We've developed many techniques for planetary detection since the first discovery of a planet orbiting a main sequence star in 1995, but a recent addition to the repetoire is looking in systems already known to have planets. By studying stars that display a transiting planet -- a planet moving in front of the star as seen from Earth -- any variation in time between the transits can be detected. From that data, information about any unseen planet perturbing the transits can be inferred. The new method is called TTV, for 'transiting timing variations,' and here's the most exciting thing about it: a planet comparable to the size of Earth should be detectable using these methods, giving TTV a sensitivity in advance of any other current detection method. And we do expect to find many a multi-planet system out there, with data that can provide insights into the formation of our own Solar System. But to use the method we have to discover and monitor transiting planets. All of this is...

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Changing Our View of the Solar System

As a boy, I recall paging through an old, nine-volume encyclopedia we kept on a livingroom shelf. Published some time in the 1920s, it was hopelessly out of date from a science standpoint, and I remember reading its entry on the planets and feeling, with the smug certainty of youth, that my modern world (this was the late 1950s) had now figured out most of the puzzles still unsolved by the editors. The editors, after all, hadn't known about Pluto, but we did, and Pluto's discovery surely meant that the mapping of the Solar System was complete. Youthful smugness has a way of being brought up short by events, and so do astronomical depictions of things we've seen imperfectly. Today we know that Pluto itself is one of what may be a vast number of 'ice dwarfs,' a kind of planet probably numerous in the Kuiper Belt. Sedna and Quaoar are members of this class, as is, evidently, Neptune's moon Triton and the newly discovered 10th planet, still known officially as 2003 UB313. Indeed,...

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Man or Machine to the Outer Planets?

New technologies, rarely foreseen by 'futurists,' often change everything. Just as science fiction could not predict the PC, so visionaries like Arthur C. Clarke could not predict the developments in electronics that would make his idea of geostationary relay satellites practicable. Yes, Clarke dreamed up the idea of such satellites, but he was talking about manned space stations handling the abundant telecommunications traffic that was to come. In a mere 15 years, it would become possible for radio technology to bring Clarke's ideas to fruition, just as Earth observation, astronomy and military reconaissance would be performed by unmanned satellites. Now we speculate about proposed manned expeditions to Mars, but is the future human or robotic as we push into the outer Solar System? Bob Parkinson tackles the subject in an essay in the March/April issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. Consider the march of machinery in the years since the first manned...

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Mystery in the Heart of Andromeda

A strange blue light near the core of the Andromeda Galaxy promises to tell us much about black holes and the behavior of objects near them. First spotted in 1995 by the Hubble Space Telescope, the blue light was thought to emmanate from a single, massive star, or possibly an exotic source of energy that was little understood. But new spectroscopic observations show that the light is actually made up of 400 stars packed into a disk only one light year across. Now this is a very strange finding, for these young stars -- thought to be on the order of 200 million years old -- are revolving around the black hole at the center of Andromeda so closely that they should be torn apart. How could gas and dust coalesce to form stars in such an environment? Mysteries, of course, are just what astronomers like to find; they often lead to enough new data to revise earlier theories and produce more complete explanations. Image: This artist's concept shows a view across a mysterious disk of young,...

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A Shoreline on Titan

Peering through Titan's murky atmosphere with radar, the Cassini orbiter has sent back evidence of what may be a large shoreline on the moon, one where liquids flowed not long ago and may still be present. As shown in the image below, the shoreline divides a bright from a darker, smoother area where liquids seem to be involved. "This is the area where liquid or a wet surface has most likely been present, now or in the recent past, said Steve Wall, radar deputy team leader from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "Titan probably has episodic periods of rainfall or massive seepages of liquid from the ground." The evidence mounts up as scientists study bay-like features in the images, and networks of channels that may show where liquid hydrocarbons have flowed. Intriguingly, two types of channel formation seem to be present. The most recent Cassini pass shows long and deep channels indicating flow over large areas, while other images from previous radar passes show a dense network of...

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Asteroid May Be a Mini-Planet

The largest known asteroid, 1 Ceres, is 930 kilometers (580 miles) across, and represents about 25 percent of the asteroid belt's total mass. Recent work using the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys now shows that the asteroid is nearly round, leading to the belief that it has, like terrestrial planets, a differentiated interior: a dense silicate core surrounded by lighter minerals and covered by a crust of carbon-rich compounds. But more extrordinary still is the suggestion that water ice is buried beneath the asteroid's crust. The evidence is tantalizing -- Ceres' density is less than that of Earth's crust, and its surface gives signs of water-bearing minerals. Wrapped in a solid ice mantle surrounding the asteroid's core, Ceres could actually possess more water than all the fresh water found on Earth. Image: NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took these images of the asteroid 1 Ceres over a 2-hour and 20-minute span, the time it takes the Texas-sized object to...

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Catastrophe in the Early Solar System

Centauri Dreams has talked often about what may be the main driver for deep space exploration -- the need to protect a vulnerable Earth from catastrophic asteroid or comet strikes. Ongoing work to understand how such impacts fit into the history of the Solar System is revealing much about their nature. Now a team of University of Arizona and Japanese scientists has uncovered the culprits in the massive bombardment of the early Solar System some 3.9 billion years ago: main belt asteroids like those now found between Mars and Jupiter. And here's what's intriguing. The objects that have been cratering various planets since that era of the so-called Late Heavy Bombardment are a different species. Now it is the Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) that pose the greatest threat. UA Professor Emeritus Robert Strom and colleagues report their findings in the article, "The Origin of Planetary Impactors in the Inner Solar System," which runs in the September 16 issue of Science. From a University of...

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Massive Explosion at Edge of Visible Universe

Astronomers have detected the most distant explosion ever observed, finding the afterglow of a gamma ray burst that marked the end of a massive star and the probable birth of a black hole. Named GRB 050904, the object's redshift is 6.29, pegging it as roughly 13 billion light years from Earth. The universe itself is now thought to be 13.7 billion years old, so the burst comes from the era when stars and galaxies had only recently formed. Gamma rays force astronomers to work fast. Most bursts are sudden events, lasting only about ten seconds, which is why alerts are sent out whenever NASA's Swift satellite detects one. But while the bursts are brief (and don't even penetrate the atmosphere), the afterglow of these mammoth explosions can linger long enough to be observed by instruments on the ground. Which is what UNC-Chapel Hill astronomer Daniel Reichart immediately set out to do. As telescopes around the globe locked onto the afterglow, Reichart's team was able to measure the...

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From Titan to the Encyclopedia Galactica

Space artist Jon Lomberg, whose work illustrated yesterday's entry on the white dwarf star GD 362, wrote recently with a comment on Centauri Dreams' September 8 story on Titan. The story discussed new theories on Titan as an abode for life, citing a presentation at the recent Division of Planetary Sciences meeting in Cambridge and quoting Southwest Research Institute scientist David Grinspoon on the possibilities inherent in Titan's abundant hydrocarbons and acetylene, which might help power a metabolism. Titan, of course, is a very cold place, which would seem to inhibit the needed chemistry. But Lomberg points out a way around the problem: "Consider the organic superconductor dimethyltetra-thiofulvalene tetracyano-quinodimethane. Discovered in the 1970s, this was the first organic superconductor found, and it remains superconductive at [relatively] high temperatures. More have been discovered since. When Carl Sagan and I were working on my Encyclopedia Galactica series of...

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A Vision of the Sun’s Future?

The white dwarf star GD 362 has been cooling for up to five billion years. You might think of it as an image of our Sun's future, although it was originally about seven times more massive. As the Sun's will do five billion years from now, this star's core simply ran out of fuel, reaching a point where it could no longer create the heat needed to counterbalance gravity. As the star died, it would have given off stellar material, initially swelling dramatically, then dying back to the dwarf we see today. But what has astronomers studying Gemini Observatory data talking is that GD 362 seems to be surrounded by an extensive band of dust and debris. The find is striking -- gravity and radiation should long ago have removed such materials from the star's proximity. The only reasonable explanation is that an asteroid, or perhaps something as large as a planet, has survived the demise of the star and is now contributing material for the debris disk. "The parallel to our own solar system's...

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Of Interstellar Arks and Nearby Stars

How long would it take to get to Alpha Centauri using a solar sail? The fastest travel time I've seen calculated is 1000 years. Imagine a reflective sheet only nanometers in thickness attached to the payload with diamond strength cable. A close pass by the Sun (the classic 'Sun-diver' maneuver, first called this, as far as I know, by Gregory Benford) is followed by sail deployment as close to the Sun as possible. Assume a sail of perhaps 100 kilometers in diameter, a payload of several million kilograms, and accelerations of a few g. After acceleration, the sail would be wound around the habitat for cosmic ray detection, and later re-deployment for deceleration. Gregory Matloff presents these ideas in an essay with the fetching title "The Reenchantment of the Solar System: A Proposed Search for Local ET's," available online (thanks to Larry Klaes for the tip on this). As you can see from the title, the sail mission to Centauri is only the beginning of the possible wonders discussed...

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Kuiper Belt Worlds Under Scrutiny

"Santa," "Easterbunny," and "Xena" may be odd names, but they beat the official designations given these objects by the International Astronomical Union -- 2003 EL61, 2005 FY9, and 2003 UB313. All three are Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) discovered with the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory. The last of the three is the now famous 10th planet, but the other two KBOs are close to Pluto-size themselves, and like that world, are in elliptical orbits that take them out of the plane of the Solar System. Did we say '10th planet?' Centauri Dreams realizes the designation is controversial, especially at the IAU, but cannot resist the urge to editorialize (if only obliquely) on behalf of a planetary designation for Xena. The rule seems simple: Pluto-size and up means planet. So how do such orbits happen? Mike Brown, a professor of planetary astronomy at Caltech and leader of the discovery team, says these exotic objects may have actually formed in a much warmer environment....

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Life’s Possibilities on Titan Weighed

Can there be livable habitats on Titan? A paper just presented at the Division for Planetary Sciences meeting in Cambridge makes the case that several key ingredients of life may be present on the huge moon. Titan possesses liquid reservoirs, organic molecules and the needed energy sources. The question: is the environment simply too cold? With temperatures down to -178 degrees Celsius (-289 degrees Fahrenheit), the chemical reactions to produce life would move ponderously, but perhaps not too slowly to function. The first images from beneath Titan's cloud cover made the speculation all the more intense. Methane shows up in clouds as well as in liquid form at the surface at these temperatures, and may provide the analog for Earth's water in a life-sustaining hydrological cycle. Moreover, there are hints of ice volcanoes that imply the existence of large amounts of water (mixing with ammonia) not far below the surface. So where does it all lead? From a Southwest Research Institute...

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In Centauri Dreams, Paul Gilster looks at peer-reviewed research on deep space exploration, with an eye toward interstellar possibilities. For many years this site coordinated its efforts with the Tau Zero Foundation. It now serves as an independent forum for deep space news and ideas. In the logo above, the leftmost star is Alpha Centauri, a triple system closer than any other star, and a primary target for early interstellar probes. To its right is Beta Centauri (not a part of the Alpha Centauri system), with Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Crucis, stars in the Southern Cross, visible at the far right (image courtesy of Marco Lorenzi).

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